Get a solid 30,000 foot view of our CRM and see the basics navigating it and using it.
You can easily import or export contacts on our platform. In this video we show you how!
Deleting A Contact & Restoring Deleted Contacts
Want to delete a contact? Accidentally get rid of a contact you want back? This video will show you how!
How to add a contact into your CRM.
How to create smart lists to quickly find prospects and customers in your CRM.
Want to add a group of prospects or customers to a specific campaign or workflow?
Custom Fields
Custom fields are great in your CRM to store valuable information your want to remember or use in campaigns.
Bulk Sending SMS & Emails
Want to send a group of prospects or customers a text or email?
Quickly add a prospect to a workflow or campaign
Want to add a person to a campaign?
Adding and Using Tags
Tags are easy ways to segment your audience and quickly find relevant prospects.
Want to save documents to your contacts? You can!
Grouping Contacts To A Company
Group contacts to a company